Whether in orbit around the earth, journeying through outer space or on giant terrestrial high-energy accelerators, particle detectors are the eyes and ears of scientists engaged in the exploration of the enchanted world of quantum microscopic phenomena.

Particle detectors accompany us in our daily lives in fields as diverse as medical imaging, DNA sequencing and fibre-optic communication.

ESIPAP is the perfect post-graduate preparation for the designers, builders and operators of tomorrow’s particle detectors. Course 1 addresses the underlying physics, with Course 2 covering advanced topics and applications.

Invented at the turn of the 20th century, particle accelerators developed as the workhorses of nuclear and particle physics to become the largest scientific instruments ever built by man.

Today over 45,000 accelerators are currently deployed worldwide. They exist in many forms and constitute essential tools for the study of condensed matter and biomolecules.

Although little known to the general public, they impact our daily lives in fields as diverse as medical diagnostics and treatment, the polymer and electronic component industries, public security, and food safety.

JUAS is the perfect post-graduate programme for the designers and operators of tomorrow’s particle accelerators. Course 1 addresses the underlying physics, while Course 2 looks at accelerator technology and applications.

An integral part of the EU-funded I.FAST programme of which ESI is an associate partner, the I.FAST Challenge brings together highly motivated students from different disciplines to find new and innovative ideas on how accelerators and their related technologies could be used to address societal issues.

The topic is “Accelerators for the environment” with students coming from the fields of marketing/communication, law, environmental studies and, of course, physics and engineering. The ten-day programme will conclude with the presentation of their team-work at CERN.

The BioHealth Computing schools have been created by Philippe Sabatier, a visionary humanist and scientist, a passionate educator who devoted his exceptional human and professional qualities to the preparation of upcoming generations of scientific innovators through a range of European programmes.

Advances in precision medicine are enabling health-care providers to go beyond the “one-size-fits all” approach and instead to offer and plan individualised care to cancer patients. The molecular characterization of tumours and their micro-environment, together with the appreciation of their spatial and temporal heterogeneity, are at the forefront of precision oncology.

Precision Oncology prompts participants to rethink current approaches, methods and models from a global perspective, integrating AI and Big Data derived from medical imaging, genetic testing and clinical outcome measures.

Understand the complexity of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), the school offers a transformational experience which helps open the doors of 4P medicine applied to COPD.

Computational Medicine spotlights a systemic approach for the study of the underlying mechanisms of COPD phenotypes associated with poor disease prognosis. Based on disease mechanisms, rather than on the current syndrome approach, the school proposes a multiscale description of COPD phenotypes resulting from dysfunctional component networks.

As part of the World Health Organization’s “Universal Health Coverage 2030 (CSU/UHC)” program, UHC School Lab targets medico-social actors who explore the ways in which technological and societal innovations can contribute to its achievement and development with effective access to basic health care for all citizens.

The school’s goal is to identify and accelerate projects that demonstrate the potential capacity of new technologies to transform health systems, thereby contributing to the achievement of CSU/UHC. WHO institutions and their partners monitor innovations designed by the school as part of a global observatory of innovation in health.